Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008


A Brief History of MDB2

It all started when Lukas Smith, a PEAR developer, submitted a few patches to the existing DBAL, Metabase. At some point he and the Metabase author started discussing bringing Metabase into PEAR as a new package. The goal of the new package was to merge the functionality of Metabase with the API of the existing and popular PEAR::DB into a feature-rich and well-performing database abstraction library, leveraging the PEAR infrastructure. Thus began the life of MDB2's predecessor PEAR::MDB.

After a few years of work on PEAR::MDB, it became apparent that the decision to keep a similar API to that of Metabase and PEAR::DB created some design issues, which hampered the growth of MDB into a full-featured DBAL. Since PEAR::MDB had reached a stable state in PEAR, it was not possible to fix these API issues without breaking backwards compatibility, which was not an option. The solution was to take the lessons learned during the development of Metabase and MDB and apply them to a new package that would contain a well-designed and modern API. The new package became MDB2.

Abstraction Layers

Before we get into the details of how MDB2 handles database abstraction, we should take a look at database abstraction theory and find out exactly what it means. There are several different facets to database abstraction, and we will go over them and specify what their requirements are.

Database Interface Abstraction

Database interface abstraction is the most important of all; it allows a programmer to access every database using the same method calls. This means that instantiating a database connection, sending a query, and retrieving the data will be identical, regardless of which database you are interfacing with.

SQL Abstraction

Most modern databases support a standard subset of SQL, so most SQL that you write will work regardless of which database back end you are using. However, many databases have introduced database-specific SQL lingo and functions, so it is possible that the SQL that you write for one database will not work on another. As an RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) matures, sometimes it implements features that are not compatible with older versions of the same database. So if an application developer wants to write SQL compliant with all versions of a specific database (or which can be used on multiple database back ends), one option is to stick to SQL they know is supported on all platforms. The better option though, is to use an abstraction layer that emulates the functionality when it's not available on the specific platform.

While there is no possible way to encapsulate every possible SQL function, MDB2 provides support for many of the most common features of SQL. These features include support for LIMIT queries, sub-selects, and prepared queries among others. Using the MDB2 SQL abstraction will guarantee that you'll be able to use this advanced functionality, even though it's not natively supported in the database you're using. Further in this article you'll learn more about the different SQL abstraction functions that MDB2 provides.

Datatype Abstraction

The third type of abstraction is the datatype abstraction. The need for this type of abstraction stems from the fact that different databases handle data types differently.

Speed Considerations

Now that you are salivating over all these great features that are bundled in MDB2, you should think about speed and performance issues. When using a database abstraction layer you need to understand that in many cases you will need to sacrifice performance speed for the wealth of functionality that the package offers. This is not specific to MDB2 or even database abstraction layers, but to abstraction layers or software virtualization systems in general.

Thankfully, unlike VMWare or Microsoft Virtual PC, which abstract each system call made, MDB2 only provides abstraction when a feature is not available in a specific back end. This means that performance will depend on the platform on which you are using MDB2. If you are very concerned about performance, you should run an opcode cache, or turn on a database-specific query caching mechanism in your particular database. Taking these steps in PHP itself or your database back end will make the overhead, which is inevitable in your database abstraction layer, much smaller.

MDB2 Package Design

The API design of MDB2 was created to ensure maximum flexibility. A modular approach was taken when handling both database back ends and specific advanced functionality. Each database -specific driver is packaged and maintained as an independent PEAR module. These driver packages have a life of their own, which means individual release cycles and stability levels. This system allows the maintainers of the database drivers to release their packages as often as they need to, without having to wait for a release of the main MDB2 package. This also allows the MDB2 package to advance in stability regardless of the state of the driver packages, the effect being that while the state of MDB2 is stable, some of its drivers may only be beta. Also, when a new database driver is released, it is tagged as alpha and the release process progresses according to PEAR standards.

The second type of modularity built into MDB2 is used for adding extended functionality to MDB2. Rather than include the functions into MDB2 itself or extend MDB2 with a new class that adds this functionality, you have the option to create a separate class and then load it into MDB2 using the loadModule() method. Once a module is loaded into MDB2, you will be able to access your methods as if they were built into MDB2. MDB2 uses this internally to keep the core components as fast

as possible, and also makes it possible for the user to define and include their own classes into MDB2. You'll see the details of how to extend MDB2 later in this article.

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Thanks, very informative